Sunday, January 13, 2019

How to Write Compelling Dialogue in a Novel

You know you can't always read the blogs. Sometimes you like to read novels, and you know one thing that all the novels have in common besides not being on a blog? All of them have people talking. Writers call it dialoge.

How to Write Compelling Dialogue

You might think that writing what people talk about to each other would be an even easier job than writing a blog! YOUR WRONG!!!!! #1 writing a blog is not easy. #2, writing talking is even harder than that. That's why people call Edgar Allen Pope and RR George Martins geniuses. They are great at writing what people say. They are so good at it, you will maybe even forget you are reading a book, because you get so caught up in it.

There are many tips to writing good talking, but the most important is:
Before computers, writers like
Herman Melville used typers like this
to help them write.

Never right dialogue with just one person in the room!!!!

It might never cross your mind until you take a novel writing course (like it did for me) that you can't have just one person talking in a room. That's a bad idea and your readers will hate it. Why? Because it's creepy that's why nobody talks to themselves so if you think about it, it just makes sense. It's a very expert way to make your book sound like it was written by one of those experts.

So now I'm going to get back to writing my novel, but now you know about one weird trick to writing talking in your book, thanks to me and my blog!

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